% Have you ever stopped to think about%all of the good things there would be
in the world if nobody wore any%clothes. Nudity would, in my opinion,
solve many problems # Firstly, if we didn't have clothes!then we would be a better race of
There would be no fashion in$clothes, so in a way everybody would#be equal, and in clothing at least,"we would live in a classless, fair
society. With no# fashion in clothes, then teenagers%would not be constantly begging their#parents for the latest trendy gear,$and thus, there would be no crime in order to raise money to buy, for
example, a new pair of Reebok
trainers. Sure, there# may be trends still in hairstyles,"and the type of car you drive, but
these are really more useful"fashions, and expressions, as they#tend to show the person inside, for$instance, you may associate a person
with a skinhead with being a%ruffian, or a bloke with long hair as$being into heavy metal. These though#can not be thought, as if he/she is%not wearing clothes, then you have no% proof really. Nudity would encourage
people not to be prejudiced. # Nudity also would encourage a more$open society. With everybody walking#around naked, then there would be a#certain frankness about sex and our
bodies, thus we wouldnt treat a perfectly healthy thing, a human
body, or the most marvellous of!things, two people making another
through reproduction, as being%taboo. Rape would eventually start to!fall, with everyone marrying at a
decent# age, because the wave of frankness!about sexualities would encourage#people to be frank with each other,%and thus marriages would be happy and
last for a! lifetime, and everyone would get$married. Marriage would no longer be"an institution. With the frankness about sexuality, married couples$would not lose interest in sex after%a short time of married life, as they
would be able to be frank and
discuss thir sexual fantasies,#keeping their sex lives alive. This
would cut out another crime,!adultery, and would mean that the
divorce rate would fall. % It is true, there are some pros, and$cons about nudity, but I reckon that
after the original upsurge in$unpleasant behaviour, straight after#the passing of an act making nudism!compulsory, the eventual benefits#would be worthwhile . Its a risk we"have to take to get this fucked up